Stickz and Stonez: Episode 3

Episode 3 May 05, 2021 00:43:59
Stickz and Stonez: Episode 3
Stickz and Stonez
Stickz and Stonez: Episode 3

May 05 2021 | 00:43:59


Show Notes

In Episode 3, David and Jason challenge white male fragility and discuss the aftermath of the murder of Daunte Wright.
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 These views and opinions and comments, and this pod cash on this station do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions by this station broadcast, especially these two who speak said words or opinions over the air. If you have a complaint about something or find you're thin skinned, maybe you should turn this off and mind your own business. Like good sheeple Speaker 1 00:00:25 <inaudible> you are listening to 16 stone by Jason and David Jeffrey episode three, talking glues. Speaker 2 00:00:51 What's going down with you today, man working same old shit. We're working at the call center and going over here, pay those dues, uh, which has been, um, tell me about the David Ross thing. Uh, he's just, he's just doing a documentary on the ball these three months. So it's been, I mean, I like what he did with his, his other one he did about the punk scene in Minneapolis. Yeah. So I think it should be pretty, pretty decent. And plus I, you know, he's interviewing other guys instead of the typical guys who get interviewed. So that's it's I dunno. I think it's just nice to get a more broad perspective, but yeah, I dunno. It looks, you know how that goes. Just like, if it's good, it's good. If it's horse shit, then it's horse shit, but we won't know until it's all said and done, will it be, uh, broadcasts on twin cities, public television? Speaker 2 00:02:22 I don't, I don't. I think it all depends, man. I mean, do you know how that goes? Like if it looks, I don't know, I just, you never know where this goes, right? Like it could just pop off and people love it. And I mean, part of the reason, I think to a certain extent why a lot of this stuff is coming back around again is because of Anna's audio documentary right now. So it's like, all these people hear that and they're like, what? Oh my God, Oh, we got to hear this story, you know? Yeah. So, well, speaking of Anna, I can't get her to talk about herself at all. You know, she gets to move around, down and all these different spaces and record all kinds of people talking butterflies, birds and the baldies, but you can't get her to say, God darn thing. Speaker 2 00:03:26 She, uh, Tina self-talk will make her laugh her if she can't talk to us again, you better get on ourselves. That's right. To get into talking to her today. And she, she, um, put the brakes on real quick. Will you, will you, what were you talking about? Did he tell you you're recording something or what? So I, uh, was talking about just what the situation was with Dante, the killing the Dante, right. And, um, kind of, uh, in the same vein that you and I were talking and, um, I thought I could get her to respond to me. I was like, Hey, let's just record something right now. And then she put the kibosh on that real quick too. Nope. Speaker 2 00:04:29 Yeah. I don't know. I mean, when I, I, I always bullshit in there with her the other night, but we weren't really, obviously I wasn't recording anything, but she was just, you know, talking that she got back from Brooklyn center and um, you know, I just told her not to, because at first she had sent me a message. Cause I had sent her a message, a couple of like three or four days ago, like she had said she lost her phone or something. And I was like, what's up with your cell phone bro? Like this kind of fucking around or whatever. But when she sent me the message on messenger, I thought she kind of sounded, well, you know how you just interpreted text or whatever. I just interpreted it as like, she's kind of getting, you know, I think everybody gets burned out by this shit, man. Speaker 2 00:05:20 It's just like constant grind. You know? I was like, how many more motherfuckers can you guys kill? You know, it's like right. You haven't learned shit. And then dude, have you seen that Pat Robertson video? Who's Pat Robertson. Remember that crazy ass Christian dude from the eighties? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That dude or whatever. I think that was him. I can't, no, I think that was another, I can't remember. Anyways. I always thought to do with a super douche bag, like super right-wing ass. And so Sean King had posted a video, basically, Kim saying, how the hell do you confuse a taser with a gun? Speaker 2 00:06:11 And like what's going on in Minnesota? And like, are the cops not paying attention? Don't they have a PR department. Derek Shannon should be buried under the jail. Like, dude, this dude is saying that shit. Yeah. But it's crazy because you know, all those people that, that are so like, Oh, cops this, and he even says, he's like, I'm pro cop, but he's like, this shit needs to end. You can't just be going around killing people like this mind-blowing dude, mind blowing. I can't fucking believe this dude was saying, I was like, even this fucking batshit crazy idiot gives it. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's, I mean, maybe it's really unfortunate too, like that it takes a pile of dead. The, you know, the size of the empire state building for him that he is. Cause there's been so many murders, you know? I mean, I don't know if he's just feeling like at the end of his life where he's like, we gotta come clean. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:28 I dunno if that gets you in the door bro, last minute I was wrong. I made my career off of throwing motherfuckers under the bus. But I mean, regardless of his lifelong he's all his bullshit is racist, whatever. It's just, it's just like the live in a day and age at that motherfucker can even come out and say, yo dude, like this cops an idiot, she didn't know she was grabbing her taser. He's like obvious. And cause he had a taser and a gun and he's holding. He's like, dude, there's a huge difference. They look different. They feel different, you know, way down. He was just totally like everybody else. Like, are you fucking kidding me? Yeah. It is really it's mind boggling. It's mind boggling. I don't, you know, I just, I'm tired of it, man. I'm real. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it. This whole thing. I mean I'm sick of the police and I'm pretty sure they're sick of us. So I just w I just don't want them around, man. Yeah. Yeah. I was a fan of a defunding. Now I'm a fan of abolishing. Yeah. Straight up tyrant shit, dude. This is straight up tyrant shit. One. Here's the thing too. Someone said to me the other day, uh, that the police are functioning the way they were meant to pretty much. And they're not, it's not like this is what they were supposed to do. Speaker 2 00:09:08 You know? They're not used to that type of enforcement, you know? Yeah. Well they always all, they are the security guards of the rich and corporations. They're not, I mean, I was reading what, like last week ago or a couple of weeks ago where like, they are legally not obligated to protect you. And I was like, wow, that's fucking crazy, dude. Yeah. I was like, then what are they there for? Well, and you think about that though, Jay, you said it when's the last time you ever felt like you felt protected when they drove up. You're like, Oh, thank God. The cops are here. Never. Speaker 2 00:09:58 Oh God. It's like finally, Oh dude, you should've seen downtown yesterday though. Talk about a military presence, dude. Like, because of the fucking twins game. So up and down Washington Avenue North is area. I pick up, let me see yours. Probably four or five highway patrol cops grouped up with like one or two hammers. Every fucking block. Yeah. I work on that block as well. Yeah. Hell yeah. Yeah. So you've probably seen it too. And I was like, really you motherfuckers think shit's going to happen in the day in Minneapolis. This is just a show of force to make all those little fucking sorry, ass scared motherfucking snowflake in the suburbs feel better Friday night coming up to, you know, so they gotta make money. So Friday night downtown, it's a little warm, you know, it's going to happen again tonight. They're going to pack it down here too with the, with soldiers. And I haven't seen him today though. I mean years ago. Did you ever think, man, they're going to have soldiers walking around downtown are in Minneapolis gardens. Speaker 2 00:11:14 They're uh, they're definitely, you know, it's all about the money, right? And I, I mean, it's only human nature. I get it. Like that's where the businesses are. That's where all those people who have investments are downtown. So they want to protect their investment. And that's the job of the cops. Cause they are security guards. When have they ever prevented a fucking crime? Not many, you know, good at pulling you over when you, when you got some air fresheners hanging from your window. If you look the right way. Yeah. Or I mean, fuck dude, did you see the story as a 61 year old white guy in Minneapolis or I think it was in Minnesota where he basically rammed two cop cars, drove away the fucking cop on his pickup, hit a cop in the head with a fucking hammer and he still won. Speaker 2 00:12:10 Tell me about that again. I didn't hear about that. Tell me about that story, dude. You get online, bro? Really? I mean like, yeah, like two days ago, 61 year old white guy, I don't know. They're trying to some was going on and they had them boxed in. He starts backing up and forward. Smashing the cop cars. Uh, cops trying to like he's on the side of his pickup, like trying to, I think, kind of regional wind or something. And he gets away, drives away the cops holding onto his fucking car. He's doing like 60 or his pickup on me in, in the process of that. He hit a fucking cop in the head with a fucking wait a minute. And he, they didn't blast him. Nope, Nope. They didn't beat his ass. They didn't blast him. They do a fucking goddamn thing. Speaker 2 00:13:09 They didn't beat him up. Nope. 61 year old white dude getting away with God knows what? Like that's incredible. That just shows you right there. What white supremacy is all about in the city then, or in this state or in this country? It doesn't matter. Like we don't matter to them, black, Brown, indigenous and working class union bodies, or however you want to name it. They don't care about that. You know? And I was sent to the deal is it would be better if they just came out and said it. So I like you and I and, and all the rest of them crazy bastard because you know what I shouldn't say. I liked them, but is better for me, for you to talk crazy like that. So I know I can stay the fuck away from you. Speaker 2 00:14:08 Yeah. But you know how Minnesota is, dude? Right. Vocal like passive aggressiveness. Oh, we're cool. And wants you to turn and walk away. And where should mother effer you? They're not coming near my white daughter. Talk to me about that. Um, conversation we were having the other day, when you mentioned the worldwide rape culture, that's the most insidious thing on this planet? Well, for humans, to me, I think it is, you know, I just think that the way most organized religions, um, treat women and how they have, um, basically colonize and help oppress any tribe, any group of people that then the opposite of that agenda or that belief system of God being a man, you know, all that whole shit like women come from the river men like really you guys are that stupid. You really, you, you really believe that shit. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. I just, some people don't believe that. And that's the problem. So when you have, you know, I think a lot of it is like, did you ever see Sharrock spike Lee's movie? No, I never saw that. Uh, their be dope, but basically the whole idea in the movie is they're trying to get these two factions that are like, like two gang culture, two gang groups or something like that, the quit fighting each other. So the women go, okay, no, one's basically getting laid until you guys figure this shit out. Speaker 2 00:16:06 Right. And so it starts affecting the white culture. And so all these politicians like, Hey, we can't, we can't. And then their wives are like, yup, you're not getting laid into you have stopped doing this crazy shit. You know, I was like, dude, that's what it's always about. It always comes back to that kind of shit, you know, like dudes and their need to, you know, feel like, you know, like I'm the fucking dominant species and you know, that whole like big cock theory. I don't, you know, just all that little lame shit that guys who act like that, usually aren't packing heat anyways, that act like that. So I think when you, when you were talking about this with me the other day, um, do you think this could pertain to not just, I was like thinking about it being more, um, like a cross us as a species, you know, not just men on men saving women, but men raping the earth of this and um, natural resources, um, how we mystery animals on the planet and just like generally that rave culture of women, the earth resources, you know what I mean? Speaker 2 00:17:46 Like I think it's, I think it's all connected. I mean, in a lot of dizziness cultures, that's what they always say. We are all connected. And so you can't do one thing to someone else and not have it affect you. You know, it has that same like ripple effect. And so it goes, it's like, you go to like, the reason why I'm vegan is because I honestly believe violence started on my plate. So if I'm eating violence and I'm eating torture and I'm eating fear and all that, why wouldn't I grow up? Cause you know, you are what you eat. And also that starts it. And that's real talk right there that starts it. And then from there it continues on it. It reinforces that, um, hierarchy, right. Humans are higher than animals because they don't speak English basically. But the heal, the animals, aren't the one destroying the planet. Speaker 2 00:18:52 I mean technically where the planet doesn't need us. Right. We need the planet. Is this that we're so stupid that we say dumb shit like that are destroying our planet. No, do worse, destroying ourselves what we're doing to over-fishing the oceans and the way we torture these animals before people eat them and all that horrible shit. It's like hunters don't they don't want the animals to run. They don't want it to have that fear and adrenaline and all that, you know? So it's like people get fed that shit and the way they raise them in like fast pools, this is fucking gross, dude. And then it goes from that to like, well, Hey, what about her? She ate, you know, it's that hierarchy thing. And then it gets like, then it gets cemented in religion, you know, like, blah, blah, blah. Then I also have Adam theory and Adam was this white dude from Europe and the middle of his garden. And then God made him go to sleep and made this other white lady. And they had all these babies in there. Right. Yeah. And then, well then if you think about that whole theory, then you're like, so everybody's incestuous. Speaker 2 00:20:14 Like, okay, that makes sense. They were the first. So then like Adam was fucking his kids and he was getting knocked up by hair kids and uh, right. And then all of a sudden we're all here. Yeah. It's just so ridiculous. And then the whole thing about the body of Christ and the blood and it's like, so you're telling me, yeah, you're telling me this, motherfucker's a zombie. You're telling me he's the first zombie ever treating his flesh and drinking his blood. That's not even like, that's insane. If I was saying you guys, I am your Lord, eat my flesh and drink my blood. What? Speaker 2 00:21:12 Yeah, there is, that's some weird symbolism. I never could understand that. Maybe we should have a Catholic priest on and talk to us about what that means. We need a priest, a rabbi, and a black guy and a black girl. We know how they walk into a bar. Well, I, you know, I dunno, do we have friends that are super religious and into that, that we could have on for sure. That would definitely, uh, I don't know. I just, I just, I think religion, if it helps you from doing horrible things to yourself and other people, I'm all for it. You know what I mean? As in oppressing people and going on crusades and saying, guess what? You guys are going to be with us, we're killing you. You can't sit there and do that. It's a peaceful religion that loves this, that, and the other thing, because it seems to me the main, the three main religions who are all come from the same tree, all they could do is continue to kill each other. Speaker 2 00:22:26 Right. Well, and here's the other thing too. Like I was having that debate about, excuse me, religion, the other day with my son. And, um, he just made some really, really, um, direct comments about a certain religion and how he thought that it was more violent than others. And, um, I had to correct him on that. I said, it isn't, it isn't that it's men, you know? And I don't know if correction is the right word to use in them. Maybe it was more like this, this is what I've learned through my time, on, on earth. It isn't the religion that is doing it. It is men who are doing yeah. And man, the man is definitely for that. And that men are behind these murders of, of, of others or raping of others and mistreatment of others. It isn't, it isn't, the religion is the men and others do things. Speaker 2 00:23:41 And so I just kinda like, I wanted to tell him that because I don't think at my age, you know, when I was his age, I should say, I didn't have anybody really in my ear about that part. No. And I don't want to lie to him nor do I want to like sugarcoat it and tell them, you know, cause those are the things I'm going to talk to. My, my, all my children about whether that whatever gender they are or they choose, you know, that that's, um, that's the real talk like, Hey, it's men who did that, not anyone else. Right. You know, so don't, don't condemn something because you think, Oh, this is how all these people are. Like we said, too, can generalize to some degree, to some degree, we always do that. Right. We have to catch themselves like, all right, man. Speaker 2 00:24:34 Not every, not everyone who believes in Islam is going to, for example, put, uh, the stereotype of putting on a bomb, um, suicides as full of bombs. I walk into a place and light themselves up. No. Um, yeah. And not all Catholic priests or pedophiles. Nope. Most doesn't, uh, uh, you know, it says, man, I just don't. I think anything that gets organized and it's about money and power is just not good. It's not good for humans. I I'm, I'm starting to agree with that too. The older I get, the more I see that I just, that kind of stuff. It seems like the more organized, like you said, driven around income or making some form of profit. Right. And then right in control of your thoughts and then don't get in the way of bullets or bomb. Right. Cause you can have all that piety and then not, and then, but then you don't use it for good, but that's why I've always liked, you know, um, some forms of religion where people hear there's an injustice and they use their, um, I should say, uh, powers or, you know, uh, authority given to them by, you know, the people that sit in those pews or who come to the mosque or who, you know, come to the church and then they use that for good, you know, to change other human beings and to stand up against injustices that, um, that to me is the religion that I grew up around. Speaker 2 00:26:37 Right. It means a lot more like my grandmother, God rest her. So, you know, who worked and created a soup kitchen at her church when people weren't really doing that to feed the community. And then she started doing a food drive and she fed, I don't know how many people man, but, and this was in the eighties when this wasn't even popular to do, you know? Yeah. I definitely think there's. Yeah, I agree. But you know, and she was a devout Christian and she was always talking about standing up against injustice, but like, I don't, that's what I see. But then on the other end of that too, she did have a picture of that crew. You know, that crazy holographic picture of the white Jesus. You're talking about like a different angle. Yep. Speaker 2 00:27:34 Yeah. Like he would like change his face would change. Yup. You know, to some degree. And uh, she had, that was a really creepy man. Then I remember one time too, I started to get woke, you know, to, you know, black theology and like understand what my roots were and like where we came from as a people and oppression. I remember making a comment to her one time. I was like, grandma, why do you got that picture of that white dude on the wall? And we got an argument about that and that she told me that Jesus was white. Yeah, man, he can't be white. I know. But so everybody from that region is Brown. Right. I realized then too, that it isn't just it's years of us being taught certain things like, Oh no, we have to unlearn those things, man. Like black folks are indigenous people. Speaker 2 00:28:31 Yeah. We have been brainwashed to think that we're not, and that we're Americans and we're African-Americans and all these other things, but we're not man. No, we are not. We got to unlearn that shit. Well, my whole thing is when people talk about words and how important they are and how much power they have, it's like, you know, it's, African-American, it's native American, it's Asian American, it's Mexican American, but it's never white American European American. Nope. That everybody else has to be. Everybody else has to be from someplace else. Right. You know? And that reinforces that, that you're a centric agenda. Like, Hey dude, no one was here before we got here. We just showed up. You know, like it's like denying the facts of what's going on. And I mean, I had a issue about, uh, of, of religion, uh, to go with, uh, this dude online. It was a dude I could go to high school with. And um, I had posted something from this book I had at basically, um, Buddhists. It was like, it was a quote from Buddhism, but the guy who wrote the book, wasn't a Buddhist because you get to all the way he wrote it and what he said, but it basically was like men invented religion to justify their guilt. Speaker 2 00:30:05 And so it's like that whole idea of religion is manmade. It's not something mystical. Right. And so, um, that whole idea and then do got offended by that. And he was just like, you're all blah, blah, blah. I don't remember what he said. This was like a long time ago. And I was like, look, dude, you're black. Why are you being Christian? I said, I'm not, I'll never be the religion of my oppressors. That's talk, man. You you're, you're your guy. Malcolm said that to Alhaji mollycoddle Chavez that to black folks long time ago, if your slave master wasn't a Christian, you wouldn't be a Christian. Right. And it's like, I understand that religion helps people deal with the trauma because I was told the whole idea of, of uh, uh, I don't know if this is true or not, but I had heard like the whole idea of why natives have a religion was invented because the deal with the trauma, because the spirits had told the medicine, men, these people are coming and are going to come like the sands on the shore and you won't be able to stop it. So what the giveaway do cause they originated on the East coast, they moved away from the East coast. Speaker 2 00:31:39 Where were they at? On the East coast? Like more Canada, New York. And that way the original higher up, I think more originated up higher plane right up there. No dude like in Canada. Oh, I don't even remember the but so it's like, when you, you know, can you imagine being told that like, guess what dudes, where we're giving you a warning, these motherfuckers are going, gonna come and you ain't going to be able to stop it. And so they, the whole religion was invented to help people deal with the trauma that was coming. That's terrifying, man, to hear, to hear you get in the way that we conceptualize time too. I wonder once someone heard that, did they could, could they then what could they do to make those tend to be resistant to what, you know, like how can you resist something that's coming in the future? Speaker 2 00:32:55 Like how do you teach your children who then teach their children who teach their children? How to be resistant to that. I mean, you know, I mean, who even believes it, right? Like, so you're going to have people who are going to be like, now that's not true because they don't want to believe something like that's going to come. Right. And then you have other people that are like, yo see you later, dude, we're heading in, we're heading deeper into the, into the woods. You know? So then you, who knows how long that went on. I mean, that could have been thousands of years of tribe moving, you know, before it starts trickling and starts to happen more and more. And then, you know, sometime at some point too, maybe people are like, well, I believe in the good of people. You can't say everybody was bad because not all people are like that, you know, so. Speaker 2 00:33:49 Right, right. And then, you know, it's just like this. And then the on top of the other thing too, is like, if, if you were trading with Europeans before, you know, um, before all this stuff was going on, because people were getting around, people were kicking it. You might just be like, well, who are these people that are gonna come? Because really, I mean, Columbus didn't come to North America. He was only in South America. He never made it to North America. And so it's always 20 that America, it's always funny that America is always like, come off as fond. I mean, no, he didn't do it. He didn't find shit. That don't mean it was lost. He was someplace else that he wasn't. And because he landed down in those islands, down in the West Indies, what an idiot. Speaker 2 00:34:46 Yep. But I don't dude, I, uh, there's this video man that I came across the other day. That was pretty dope, man. That it said, uh, it was basically talking about, um, uh African-Americans or Africans being here. They were coming here and kicking it in South America, way hundreds and hundreds of years before Columbus, even with coming here. Yeah. I run a book about that too was called before Columbus. Yeah, dude. It was awesome. And that dude was breaking down, man. I was like, damn. And he was talking about like, um, the natives have given the Spaniards, um, these golden spear tips and they hate brung it back Europe and they basically diagnosed it. You know, how much has gold? How much was this? How much is that? And they're like, Oh yeah, that, that was a, that was a spearhead that was used in like West Africa and still has been for thousands of years. Speaker 2 00:35:53 And they're like, Oh, okay. Well, and then one of the conquistadores had written in one of his journals or whatever. Like he had met a group of Ethiopians that were living in South America. They had been there for a minute. And then he went on to talk about like, uh, there stories of like, um, Muslim, um, dudes going across the ocean over there. And like, it was, I don't know if it was like 20 or 200 boats. I think it was 20, like 20 votes and they sell the houses and that two years later, only one boat came back. You know? And do you think about the people that were like, maybe they just made it and they're like, Hey, I'm making a trip back there and I'm chilling. Speaker 2 00:36:44 They came before Columbus. Yeah. It's an ancient America, the African presence in ancient America. And I was just solely surprised cause I never even heard of that ever all this time. And I'm like, damn dude, wow. I can't even lie about that shit. You can't even lie about it. Bond and statues and on, uh, coins in central South America that are so old with faces of Africans on them. Yup. You know, they just, they can't lie. You can't lie about that. But then somehow it gets to be devalued or like purposefully, you know, whitewashed. Yeah. Even the plants. I mean, that was one of the main things about where the guy started off at. He was like, mm there's. White dude went down there to start a vegetarian community in like 1920 or some shit. And, uh, it didn't work out, but he was noticing you as the anthropologist and the botanist or whatever. Speaker 2 00:37:58 And he started noticing like plant and foods that were from Africa and South America. And he was like, what the heck? You know? And then he started like the crazy thing. So this thing didn't work out for him. And he ended up going back to America and being a professor at Harvard and he wrote a book on his theories, but he didn't have like, you know, probably enough proof for them to say, you know? And so of course, back in 1922, that's when that shit started to pop off with the whole white supremacy got even more because America wants to be, uh, empire like England. So that's when you start pushing more to do going around other areas and taking all their shit and their resources. So that wouldn't have been a popular idea. What you can see Africans were here before we brought them, you know, he goes, the only reason why we were here about Columbus because he was the most documented story or voice is they come here and he was the last, you know, he was the last person to get here. Speaker 2 00:39:12 So we believe all these lies that we're told as children too. Right. So children just, if you listen to this and you have children teach them the truth time for us to break the chain. Yeah. Right. Reinforcing that Eurocentric BS. And it's okay. Like I said before, and some of the other episodes it's okay. Not to be first, second or third, if you're a white man, you just have to be a part of us all. Well, I think the real thing is also is like they don't, you know, everybody kicks it together. They in their whole agenda, they don't want that. It doesn't, you know, they want to reinforce like really bad ideologies of keeping everybody separate. You know? So it's like, it doesn't benefit them to have white people and Brown people and black people and any people kicking it together. Cause it's a, it's a threat to those. The so-called blue-blood and their whole way of thinking in their hierarchy. You know, if he started going, Oh, this seems like bullshit. Then you start to unravel their plan. I will no doubt. I'll no doubt. Speaker 2 00:40:35 That's why they try so hard on every level, man. Ridiculous. This is like our own food chain. It's a food chain for our food pyramid for humans. These guys are up here. The next is this person, an accident, this person, you know, well, and this is how they've kept control to. Cause what do they tell those working class whites who've been poor in this country since they got here as Lea, at least you ain't a nigga. Probably. You know what I mean? That's the thing. When they're like poor, I might be trashed, but at least I ain't a nigga. Males will be like, Hey, we'll give you some, a nice house. Right. While you're at it, perfect plan. Keep me in office. Speaker 2 00:41:28 We got to right vote against your own interests. Yeah. More partners are so hateful. They want, you know, we can't have universal healthcare, you know, because people are voting against their own interests because there's, they they're so fixed on the next person that doesn't look like them having clean water, good healthcare, a home to live in and a job that pays. They can take care of the family. They don't want that for everybody. They just want that for certain people. And if you don't look in, they will vote against having that themselves. As long as you don't get it, either that, you know, that's there, that's like vampires, man. Then that's something different. Well know. I mean, that's the best way to get people with it though. I mean, that's why I, to me, that's my theory with religion. You have all these conquers tearing shit up over through Europe and all that whole area over centuries. And then, you know, he has a Romans, you have Alexander the great and whatever happened to all those indigenous Europeans, if you weren't converting your ass, got killed off. Isn't that what Bravehearts about? You know, pretty much. And so, uh, I was watching something and uh, one of the AME dudes basically said that he's like, they did it to themselves first. Speaker 2 00:43:08 They did to them. And then they came here and did it to us, you know? So it's like, that's why you have so many, like your people are willing to come here and sell their soul to call themselves Americans. And it's like, dude, that doesn't mean anything. All that means is like, you're expendable. You're like Speaker 1 00:43:33 Reddit, you don't even need this. Thank you for listening on K F a I Minneapolis and thanks to our producer Hill.

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